Yamaha YOB-441

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Yamaha
Доступность:на заказ
The YOB-441 is made of the finest quality aged and seasoned grenadilla wood for a rich professional sound. This is the same material as used on our Custom models and has been carefully crafted in a similar manner. The size and placement of the toneholes is also the same, giving even and accurate intonation and making the 441 the most 'Professional' sounding intermediate model you will ever find.

    The YOB-441 is made of the finest quality aged and seasoned grenadilla wood for a rich professional sound. This is the same material as used on our Custom models and has been carefully crafted in a similar manner. The size and placement of the toneholes is also the same, giving even and accurate intonation and making the 441 the most 'Professional' sounding intermediate model you will ever find.


    Механизм извлечения звука

    КлапаныТрельные клапаныC#-D#, F#-G#, Ab-Bb, A#-B, B-C#, left C-D, right C-D
    Дополнительные клапаныLeft-hand F key, Fork F resonance key

    Конструкция/Детали устройства

    МензураТип мензурыAmerican


    Подушки19 cork, 2 felt pads

    Конструкция/Детали устройства

    Тональные отверстияСистемаSimplified Conservatoire (semi-automatic octave system)


    КлапаныSilver-plated nickel silver keys


    Прилагаемые аксессуарыФутляр400 Series Case

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