Universal Audio

Universal Audio

  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio Capitol Chambers Native Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio Capitol Chambers Native Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6422 Р
    Reverb Plug-In (Download) Meticulous recreation of the four most popular echo chambers located below the Capitol Tower in Los Angeles, Dynamic Room Modelling technology features the authentic, detailed and realistic...
  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio dbx 160 Compressor / Limiter Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio dbx 160 Compressor / Limiter Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6422 Р
    Compressor Plugin (download) Meticulous emulation of the first solid state VCA compressor introduced in 1976, Offers a wide range of applications for various signals such as drums, basses, acoustic guitars, but also...
  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio Empirical Labs EL8 Dist.Native Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio Empirical Labs EL8 Dist.Native Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6422 Р
    Compressor Plug-In (Download) Meticulous emulation of the modern, “must-have” compressor from 1993 perfect for radically shaping guitars, drums, vocals and mayn more, Provides the entire circuit path and control set of...
  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio Fairchild Tube Limiter Native Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio Fairchild Tube Limiter Native Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6422 Р
    Compressor Plugin (Download) Careful emulations of the legendary and probably most wanted tube limiters Fairchild 660 and 670 as well as 670 Legacy for UAD-2, Separate replicas of the circuit layouts of the 660 and...
  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio Helios Type 69 EQ Preamp Nat. Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio Helios Type 69 EQ Preamp Nat. Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6422 Р
    Channelstrip-Plug-In (Download) Careful emulation of the channel strip of the Helios Type 69 vintage console, which was found in many well-known studios, Combines a colouring preamp with Lustraphone transformers and an...
  • Акция закончится через:
    Universal Audio Lexicon 224 Dig. Reverb Native Цифровые лицензии Universal Audio Lexicon 224 Dig. Reverb Native Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    6422 Р
    Reverb Plugin (Download) Careful emulation of the legendary 1978 Lexicon 224 digital reverb, with its eight classic reverb programs and complementary chorus, Uses the same algorithms and source code of the Lexicon...
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