Marienberg Devices

Marienberg Devices

  • Marienberg Devices Four Voice Poly MIDI Converter Eurorack модули Marienberg Devices Four Voice Poly MIDI Converter Eurorack модули
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    50042 Р
    Four-Voice MIDI ConverterWith the Marienberg Devices MIDI converter module, MIDI signals from keyboards or sequencers can be converted into analogue control voltages and gate signals. The four channels can be configured...
  • Marienberg Devices Midi Controller & Realtime Con Eurorack модули Marienberg Devices Midi Controller & Realtime Con Eurorack модули
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    48722 Р
    MIDI Controller & Realtime Converter 8 Separately configurable outputs as controls or switches, The control range for control voltages (CV) can optionally be set to 10, 5, or 1 V, Output can be configured as a gate- or...
  • Marienberg Devices Mixer A Eurorack модули Marienberg Devices Mixer A Eurorack модули
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    37174 Р
    Linear Mixer Up to five audio signals and / or control voltages can be summed with mixer A, Channels 1 to 3 are equipped with an adjustable attenuator (0-100%)., Channels 4 and 5 are always summed to 100% on the...
  • Marienberg Devices Multiple 4/6/4 Eurorack модули Marienberg Devices Multiple 4/6/4 Eurorack модули
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    25186 Р
    Multiple distributor This passive 4/6/4 multiple distributor module consists of three groups with 2x 4 and 1x 6 jacks that are connected to each other. As a result, audio signals and control voltages can be reproduced....
  • Marienberg Devices Noise Generator A Eurorack модули Marienberg Devices Noise Generator A Eurorack модули
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    44873 Р
    Noise Generator Module 6 Outputs with differently filtered "Oscillator Noise", White noise, Pink Noise (3 dB low pass), Red Noise (6 db low pass), Blue Noise (3 dB high pass), Violet Noise (6 dB high pass)'
  • Marienberg Devices Precision Power Supply Аксессуары для модульных синтезаторов Marienberg Devices Precision Power Supply Аксессуары для модульных синтезаторов
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    46083 Р
    Precision Power SupplyHigh-end power supply for the supply of Marienberg Devices modular systems. 1000mA / + 3.3V, 1000mA / + 5V, 1300mA / + 15V, -15V / 1300mA, On / Off switch, Dimensions: 222.25 x 101.6 x 74 mm...
Показано 19 - 24 из 36Показать:     Товаров на странице

