Supercritical Demon Core Oscillator

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Supercritical Synthesizers
Доступность:на заказ
53891 Р
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The Demon Core Oscillator is a 16-voice DCO based on classic keyboard synthesizers.

This module offers also a static detune spread and a CV controllable core stability feature similar to Sequential Synthesizers. It introduces VCO-like pitch drift and jitter, allowing the module to sound like 80’s polysynths.

With the help of the separately available Expander, the module can be played polyphonically via MIDI.

  • 16 configurable voices (octave, stacks)
  • Saw and pulse waves with PWM ranging from 0-100%
  • Coarse tune for 6 octave range with half-step increments
  • Fine tune for ± half step range
  • A blinking tuning indicator for finding C note in every octave and A440 fine tuning
  • 1V/oct master pitch CV
  • Linear FM CV (±8V) with attenuator
  • Combined Spread / PWM CV (±8V) with offset function
  • Stability CV (±8V) with offset function
  • Trigger input for synchronizing the phases for all waves

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