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Animal Factory Module Pit Viper

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Animal Factory
Доступность:на заказ
20243 Р
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Full-blooded distortion – Pit Viper is a solid state overdrive for hard-boiled musicians. The circuit can generate clean, beefy signal boosts. However, its true strengths lie in aggressively screaming distortions with a tangible character. – This is not a module for wimps!

Although the Pit Viper has a raw look, the module was built with much love for detail. The OP amp (TLC2272) can be exchanged for other models. Unused soldering points on the circuit board allow musicians who are dissatisfied with the rather erratic behavior of the viper to replace the hand-rolled optocouplers with precision components. – Please note: Such modifications void the warranty!

Pit Viper comes equipped with the following control elements:
  • Toxicity: Gain potentiometer – Please turn up for heavy distortion.
  • Hiss: Tone knob – Turn clockwise to cut the treble.
  • Venom: Volume potentiometer
  • Fear: Three-stage soft clipping switch – Activates normal soft clipping or a more tube-like version with less treble.
  • Malice: Three-stage hard clipping switch – Activates beefy hard clipping or a spongier version with less treble.
  • Blend: Dry / Wet potentiometer
  • Bite: CV input plus attenuator to cut the high frequency range. Without a cable plugged in, the knob can be used for adjusting the treble manually.
  • Saturation: CV input plus attenuator and on/off switch to influence gain and saturation.
  • Filter: CV input plus attenuator and on/off switch to control the Viper’s VCF circuit. Via a jumper on the circuit board, users can choose between several filter types:
    • Passive clipped low pass
    • Unbuffered high pass
    • Buffered high pass
    • Buffered low pass

Furthermore, there is a trim potentiometer on the circuit board, which can be used to adjust the gain.

Finally, one important note from the manual: Please keep the Viper away from cats! – If there is not a cat in your studio, please adopt a four-legged friend!

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